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CLI Reference (dbterd)

Run dbterd --help or dbterd -h to see the basic guideline for CLI Reference

dbterd -h Usage: dbterd [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Tools for producing diagram-as-code

--version Show the version and exit.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.

debug Inspect the hidden magics
run Run the convert

dbterd run

Command to generate diagram-as-a-code file


dbt docs generate
dbterd run [-t dbml or -t mermaid]
Usage: dbterd run [OPTIONS]

Run the convert

    -ad, --artifacts-dir TEXT     Specified the full path to dbt artifacts path
                                    which known as /target directory  [default:
    -o, --output TEXT             Output the result file. Default to the same
                                    target dir  [default:
    -s, --select TEXT             Selecttion criteria
    -ns, --exclude TEXT           Exclusion criteria
    -t, --target TEXT             Target to the diagram-as-code platform
                                    [default: dbml]
    -a, --algo TEXT               Specified algorithm in the way to detect
                                    diagram connectors  [default:
    -mv, --manifest-version TEXT  Specified dbt manifest.json version
    -cv, --catalog-version TEXT   Specified dbt catalog.json version
    -rt, --resource-type TEXT     Specified dbt resource type(seed, model,
                                    source, snapshot),default:model, use examples,
                                    -rt model -rt source
    -h, --help                    Show this message and exit.

dbterd run --select (-s)

Selection criteria.

Select all dbt models if not specified, supports mulitple options


  • By name: model name starts with input string
  • By exact: exact model name, formed as
  • By schema: schema name starts with an input string, formed as schema:<your_schema_name>
  • By wildcard: model name matches to a wildcard pattern, formed as wildcard:<your_wildcard>
  • By exposure: exposure name, exact match


dbterd run -s "model.package.partital_name"
dbterd run -s ""
dbterd run -s "schema:my_schema_name"
dbterd run -s "wildcard:*xyz"
dbterd run -s "exposure:my_exposure_name"

AND and OR logic

  • AND logic is applied to a single selection splitted by comma (,)
  • OR logic is applied to 2+ selection


# All models belong to 'abc' schema AND also need to match the pattern of '*xyz.*'
dbterd run -s schema:abc,wildcard:*xyz.*
# All models belong to 'abc' schema, OR match to the pattern of '*xyz.*'
dbterd run -s schema:abc -s wildcard:*xyz.*

dbterd run --exclude (-ns)

Exclusion criteria. Rules are the same as Selection Criteria.

Do not exclude any dbt models if not specified, supports mulitple options


dbterd run -ns 'model.package_name.table'
dbterd run --exclude 'model.package_name.table'

dbterd run --artifacts-dir (-ad)

Configure the path to directory containing dbt artifact files.

It will take the the nested /target directory of --dbt-project-dir if not specified.

Default to the current directory's /target if both this option and --dbt-project-dir option are not specified


dbterd run -ad "./target"
dbterd run --artifacts-dir "./target"

dbterd run --output (-o)

Configure the path to directory containing the output diagram file.

Default to ./target


dbterd run -o "./target"
dbterd run --output "./target"

dbterd run --target (-t)

Target to the diagram-as-code platform

Default to dbml

Supported target, please visit Generate the Targets


dbterd run -t dbml
dbterd run --target dbml

dbterd run --algo (-a)

Specified algorithm in the way to detect diagram connectors

Default to test_relationship

In the advanced use case, the test name can be configurable by following syntax:


In the above:

  • algorithm_name: test_relationship (only supported value now)
  • contains_test_name: Configure the test name (detected with contains logic). Default to relationship
  • c_from: Configure the test metadata attribute (1) for the foreign key column name(s). If (1)'s value is multiple columns, it will concat them all with _and wording > NOTE: It always looking at the column_name attribute firstly
  • c_to: Configure the test metadata attribute (2) for the referenced column name(s). If (2)'s value is multiple columns, it will concat them all with _and wording. Default to field

For example, if you would use dbt-constraints package

The dbt-constraints package is using different name of test which is close to the contraint names, in this case, you would need to customize the input string here:

dbterd run \
--algo "test_relationship:(name:foreign_key|c_from:fk_column_name|c_to:pk_column_name)"


dbterd run -a test_relationship
dbterd run --algo test_relationship
dbterd run --algo "test_relationship:(name:foreign_key|c_from:fk_column_name|c_to:pk_column_name)"

dbterd run --manifest-version (-mv)

Specified dbt manifest.json version

Auto detect if not specified


dbterd run --manifest-version 7
dbterd run -mv 7

dbterd run --catalog-version (-cv)

Specified dbt catalog.json version

Auto detect if not specified


dbterd run --catalog-version 7
dbterd run -cv 7

dbterd run --resource-type (-rt)

Specified dbt resource type(seed, model, source, snapshot).

Default to ["model"], supports mulitple options


dbterd run -rt model -rt source
dbterd run --resource-type model

dbterd run --dbt

Flag to indicate the Selecton to follow dbt's one leveraging Programmatic Invocation

Default to False


dbterd run -s +something --dbt
# select 'something' and the upstream
dbterd run -s something
# select starts with 'something'

dbterd run --dbt --dbt-auto-artifact

Flag to indicate force running dbt docs generate to the targetted project in order to produce the dbt artifact files.

This option have to be enabled together with --dbt option, and will override the value of --artifacts-dir to be using the /target dir of the value of --dbt-project-dir.

Default to False


dbterd run -s +something --dbt --dbt-auto-artifacts

dbterd run --dbt-project-dir (-dpd)

Specified dbt project directory path

You should specified this option if your CWD is not the dbt project dir, and normally used with --dbt enabled. It will take the value of --artifacts-dir if not specified.

Default to the current directory if both this option and --artifacts-dir option are not specified


dbterd run -s +something --dbt-project-dir /path/to/dbt/project --dbt
# select 'something' and the upstream of the dbt project located at /path/to/dbt/project
# the artifacts dir will probably be assumed as: /path/to/dbt/project/target

dbterd run --dbt-target (-dt)

Specified dbt target name

Probably used with --dbt enabled.

Default to the dbt's profile configuration


dbterd run -s +something --dbt-project-dir /path/to/dbt/project --dbt --dbt-target prod
# select 'something' and the upstream of the dbt project located at /path/to/dbt/project using target name 'prod'
# the artifacts dir will probably be assumed as: /path/to/dbt/project/target

dbterd run --entity-name-format (-enf)

Decide how the table name is generated on the ERD.

By default, the table name is the dbt node name (resource_type.package_name.model_name).

Currently, it supports the following keys in the format:

  • resource.package.model (by default)
  • database.schema.table
  • Or any other partial forms e.g. schema.table, resource.model


dbterd run --entity-name-format resource.package.model # by default
dbterd run --entity-name-format database.schema.table # with fqn of the physical tables
dbterd run --entity-name-format schema.table # with schema.table only
dbterd run --entity-name-format table # with table name only

dbterd debug

Shows hidden configured values, which will help us to see what configs are passed into and how they are evaluated to be used.


2023-09-08 16:43:45,066 - dbterd - INFO - Run with dbterd==1.0.0 (
2023-09-08 16:43:45,071 - dbterd - INFO - **Arguments used** (
2023-09-08 16:43:45,073 - dbterd - DEBUG - {
    "artifacts_dir": "",
    "output": "C:\\Users\\DAT\\Documents\\Sources\\dbterd\\target",
    "select": [],
    "exclude": [],
    "target": "dbml",
    "algo": "test_relationship",
    "manifest_version": null,
    "catalog_version": null,
    "resource_type": [
    "dbt": false,
    "dbt_project_dir": "",
    "dbt_target": null
} (
2023-09-08 16:43:45,079 - dbterd - INFO - **Arguments evaluated** (
2023-09-08 16:43:45,081 - dbterd - INFO - Using dbt artifact dir at: C:\Users\DAT\Documents\Sources\dbterd\target (
2023-09-08 16:43:45,082 - dbterd - INFO - Using dbt project  dir at: C:\Users\DAT\Documents\Sources\dbterd (
2023-09-08 16:43:45,084 - dbterd - DEBUG - {
    "artifacts_dir": "C:\\Users\\DAT\\Documents\\Sources\\dbterd\\target",
    "output": "C:\\Users\\DAT\\Documents\\Sources\\dbterd\\target",
    "select": [],
    "exclude": [],
    "target": "dbml",
    "algo": "test_relationship",
    "manifest_version": null,
    "catalog_version": null,
    "resource_type": [
    "dbt": false,
    "dbt_project_dir": "C:\\Users\\DAT\\Documents\\Sources\\dbterd",
    "dbt_target": null
} (