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Generate DrawDB

1. Produce dbt artifact files

Let's use Jaffle-Shop as the example.

Clone it, then perform the dbt docs generate in order to generate the /target folder containing:

  • manifest.json
  • catalog.json

Or we can use the generated files found in the samples

2. Generate DrawDB (.ddb) file

In the same dbt project directory, let's run dbterd command to generate the .ddb file which is the supported import file format, actually it is json file

dbterd run -t drawdb -enf table

There we go, here is the sample output content:

  "author": "dbterd",
  "title": "erd",
  "date": "2024-07-28T01:54:24.620460Z",
  "tables": [
      "id": 3,
      "name": "order_items",
      "id": 4,
      "name": "orders",
  "relationships": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "fk__order_items_orders__order_id",
      "cardinality": "Many to one",
      "startTableId": 3,
      "endTableId": 4,
      "startFieldId": 1,
      "endFieldId": 0,

Check full sample at samples/jaffle-shop/erd.ddb

3. Import to Draw DB Editor

Go to the Draw DB Editor playaround:

  • Files > Import diagram
  • Choose the generated file e.g. erd.ddb
  • Click Import

Voila 🎉, here the result:
