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Choosing the algorithm (parsers) to parse the Entity Relationships (ERs)

There are 2 approaches (or 2 modules) we can use here to let dbterd look at how the ERs can be recognized between the dbt models:

  1. Test Relationship (docs, source) (default)
  2. Semantic Entities (docs, source)

Test Relationship

During the dbt development, the engineers are supposed to add the consistency checking using relationships test function, or similarly specifying the dbt contraints (they're also the tests behind the scenes), given the below example project with Jaffle Shop.

Let's install the repo:

git clone
cd jaffle-shop

Setup the environment, and install the deps including dbterd:

python3 -m venv .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install dbterd --upgrade

In the order_items.sql model, we can see 1 sample test:

  - name: order_items
      - name: order_item_id
          - not_null
          - unique
      - name: order_id
          - relationships: # dbterd looks for all kind of this test
              to: ref('orders')
              field: order_id

Running dbterd run -enf table will expose the DBML code as below:

Table "orders" {
Table "order_items" {
Ref: "order_items"."order_id" > "orders"."order_id"

Awesome, job done here 🎉

NO, not yet (maybe!), sometime this module is not going to work perfectly due to:

  • Some relationship tests are added from mart to staging just for ensuring no missing data when moving from a layer to another.
  • We have the tests done in separate tools already (e.g. Soda), there is no reason to duplicate the (relationship) tests here.
    • No problem! Let's still add it with where: 1=0 or with the dummy relationship tests (see this blogpost)

In case that we don't want to leverage the dbt tests still, let's move on the next section for the alternative 🏃

Semantic Entities

Since dbt v1.6, dbt has supported the Semantic Layer (SL) with Metric Flow (docs), we have the ability to define entities in our semantic modelling, telling metricflow how to join tables together. Therefore, it now becomes the 2nd parser for our choice of usage if we have implemented the dbt SL already.

dbterd can now look for the Semantic Entities (primary and foreign) in order to understand the ERs, subsequently produce the ERD code.

Let's use the above Jaffle Shop project again, here is the sample code which was implemented in the repo for the semantic models: order_item and orders:

  - name: order_item
    model: ref('order_items')
      - name: order_item
        type: primary
        expr: order_item_id
      - name: order_id
        type: foreign
        expr: order_id
  - name: orders
    model: ref('orders')
      - name: order_id
        type: primary

Now running dbterd run -enf table with the environment variable DBTERD_ALGO=semantic in advance, or we can use the command without it :

dbterd run -enf table -a semantic

The result DBML code will be the same as the 1st option. Voila! 🎉🎉

New module(s)?

If you've got an idea of having new type of module(s) to parse ERs, feel free to: